Frequently Asked Questions:
What is the objective of this grant?
The purpose of IGC is to provide grants that make possible programs for increasing Christian Discipleship and Church Leader Development for clergy and laity of all denominations, but with primary attention to persons of the Southeastern Jurisdiction of the United Methodist Church.
How is IGC able to fund these ministries and requests?
Grant funding via the IGC is made possible due to the generosity of The Martha Frances Morgan and Ethel Elizabeth Morgan Trust, and the Bishop Edward Tullis Ministry Reserve Fund. We give thanks for these resources and take seriously the responsibility to empower those in ministry.
What amount of funds might be granted?
Our average awardee received an average of $5,300 last year.
Can one re-apply a second year for another grant?
Yes. It is our hope that ministries and programs supported by the IGC grants will become sustainable over time. Recipients should expect that repeat applications for the same ministry and/or program will decrease accordingly.
What is the grant application schedule?
Application is due January 31, 2025. Incomplete and/or late applications will not be considered.
When could we expect to hear if we received a grant?
Checks will be mailed to grant recipients via USPS the first of April 2025.
If awarded, when would funds be made available?
Checks will be mailed to grant recipients via USPS the first of April 2025.
Is it possible to join with others in submitting a grant request?
Yes. Partnerships are accepted as well as encouraged where appropriate, including ecumenical partners.
If awarded a grant, what reporting will be expected from IGC?
A narrative report, an online form provided, will be expected six weeks after the completion of the project which might include visuals and testimonials. Those who choose not to report fully will not be eligible for future grant funding.
If there are other questions about the grant and/or the application process, who might we contact?
Please write to and our team will reply.
I would rather mail a paper application - where can I find that?
Applications are available via the website only.