2021 Grant Recipients

The Intentional Growth Center is pleased to announce our grant awards for 2021. These grants are made possible by an endowment provided by the Martha Frances Morgan and Ethel Elizabeth Morgan Trust. IGC awards are designated to enable ministries in the areas of lay and clergy leadership, Christian discipleship, music, worship, and/or the church’s witness and innovation across the community.

Boundless Impact Project

“ImagineHub: Learning Network of Missional Innovation Centers” – training and building a network of local churches who are “reimagining” their church space for mission to their community.


Center for Leadership Excellence, North Carolina Conference of the UMC Project

“The Colossian Way—A Means for Discipleship Formation and Healthy Conversations to Bridge Differences” – equipping laity and clergy to lead a process of spiritual growth through civil discourse around potentially divisive topics (e.g. politics, sexuality, origins, etc.).


Smoky Mountain District Justice and Reconciliation Team

“Juneteenth Celebration” – a day of worship, celebration, storytelling, and fun activities at Lake Junaluska, designed to promote cultural and racial awareness, and empathy through listening.


Red Valley UMC

“Red Valley UMC Music School” – providing affordable music lessons (violin, guitar, or piano) in a loving and welcoming atmosphere to students in their rural community.


Rise United Methodist Faith Community Project

“An Anti-Racism Journey Through Faith, Culture & History” – a three-phase, small group training program unpacking race, culture, and religion to uncover implicit bias and discover how to be followers of Jesus in the modern-day struggle for racial justice, healing, and reconciliation. The program culminates with each group designing and implementing a community impact project.


UMC in Northern Virginia Project

“Beloved Discipleship” – a training program to help church leaders design and implement contextually relevant discipleship plans for increasingly diverse communities.


UNC Wesley Campus Ministry

“Cultivating Innovative Worship Leaders for Diverse Congregations” – a weekly mentoring program for student worship leaders who cultivate sacred space through worship practices from racially diverse traditions.
